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Banker’s Blanket Liability

Banker’s Blanket Liability

Every financial institution is exposed to the risk of criminal activity, both from within its own organization and from outside. Losses can have a devastating impact on a financial institution’s balance sheet.

Bankers Blanket Liability cover provides financial institutions high levels of insurance protection against the effects of potentially catastrophic criminal loss arising out of Employee Dishonesty, Forgery, Cyber Liability and Computer Crime.

Each Insuring clause in the Bankers Blanket Liability Insurance clearly defines the risk covered in the policy. The financial institution can select all insuring clauses or the ones suiting their requirements.

Vitality Insurance has extensive experience in tailoring policy covers to meet the exact need of their financial institution clients.

  1. On-Premises Cover: Provides coverage for loss or damage to insured’s property due to various perils whilst in the premises where the insured carries on business including cash in safe & lockers.
  2. In-transit:  Coverage for loss or damage to insured’s property whilst in-transit to and from premises along the defined geographical area. Forgery & Alteration: Coverage for loss caused due to forgery or alteration by the employee or customer by altering documents. Includes forged cheques as well.
  3. Counterfeit Currency: Covers losses sustained from the acceptance in good faith of counterfeit notes or coins at the Insured’s premises.
  4. Offices & Content: Loss or damage to furniture, fittings and equipment arising from burglary, theft, hold-up and other criminal acts
  5. Professional Liability: Covers liability arising out of professional advise given to clients resulting in huge financial consequences.

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