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Commercial Crime & Fidelity Bonds

Commercial Crime & Fidelity Bonds

Commercial Crime insurance provides broad coverage to protect your business against a wide range of criminal activity, either as a stand-alone product or as part of a multi-line or international insurance program.

Most insurance companies allow customizing commercial crime insurance policy to cover various fraud-related losses as per the company’s specific requirements. Here, Vitality Insurance can help you buy the right bespoke product as per your business.

What is Covered?

  1. Employee Theft Coverage: Loss of money, securities or other property by theft or forgery by an identifiable employee of the Insured.
  2. Premises Coverage: Losses from destruction, disappearance, wrongful abstraction or computer theft of money or securities from the Insured’s premises by third parties.
  3. Transit Coverage: Losses from destruction, disappearance, wrongful abstraction of money or securities outside the Insured’s premises by a third party, while being conveyed by the Insured, an armored motor vehicle company or any person authorised by the Insured.
  4. Depositors Forgery Coverage: Losses from instruments such as cheques fraudulently drawn on the Insured’s accounts by a third party.
  5. Computer Fraud Coverage: An extension to cover losses sustained by the Insured due to computer fraud by a third party including cover for expenses incurred by the Insured due to a computer violation
  6. Investigation Charges: Fees of an investigation specialist or that of a defense counsel to defend any legal suits can also be insured.

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