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Directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance is insurance coverage intended to protect individuals from personal losses if they are sued as a result of serving as a director or an officer of a business or other type of organization. It can also cover the legal fees and other costs the organization may incur as a result of such a suit.

The regulatory environment facing the directors of companies today is rigorous, and their responsibilities onerous. An expert advice from Vitality Insurance team can help you pick the right D&O Policy with adequate coverage.

Financial Backing
Financial Backing

It is offered by the D&O policy for a standard indemnification provision, which puts officers and directors in a risk-free zone against losses because of their role in the company.

Legal Cost Reimbursement
Legal Cost Reimbursement

When a claim is filed, D&O insurance policies can provide coverage for legal cost against a variety of claims. It provides financial compensation.

Protection against Tax Liability, Civil Fines and Penalties
Protection against Tax Liability, Civil Fines and Penalties

In case of the firm's bankruptcy, if the Director is held personally legally responsible for unpaid corporate taxes, it can be covered under D&O liability insurance policy.

Comprehensive Cover
Comprehensive Cover

Directors and officers liability insurance covers an extensive area of litigation that could arise from shareholders, customers, employees, vendors and the general public. The D&O insurance also covers lawsuit arising out of the acts of another company.

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