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Jewellers Block

Jewellers Block

Jewellers Block Insurance is a comprehensive coverage available to retailers, manufacturer, or distributor handling high value items like high value gems, precious stones, jewellery (gold, diamond) as any loss of item can have significant impact on overall performance of business. Jewellers Block Insurance can be tailored to deliver bespoke solution to clients ranging from manufacturers to retailers. 

Jewellers Block Insurance provides protection against risk arising out of theft (shoplifting, burglary), accidental damage, business interruptions (due to fire) and loss of stock in transit or in display. Jeweller's block insurance therefore provides those trading high value goods, with the peace of mind needed to enable their business to operate effectively, safe in the knowledge they are fully protected from any future disaster.

Vitality Insurance can help you in assessing your potential risk exposure and choose the right protection cover suiting your business requirement.

Type of Jewellers Block

In-premise Stock Cover
In-premise Stock Cover

It primarily covers high value stock like stones, precious metals, gems kept in the premises of the policyholder against agreed perils like fire, burglary.

In-custody Stock Cover
In-custody Stock Cover

Policy cover also provides protection against any loss of stock arising out of transportation, trade show & exhibition displays on payment of extra premium.

Stock in Transit & Exhibition Cover
Stock in Transit & Exhibition Cover

Medical expenses in some countries like US can be exorbitant. A right travel insurance plan can give you financial assistance in case of any bodily injuries or hospitalisation.

Stock Valuation
Stock Valuation

It is important to agree on method of stock valuation – weight based, inventory or item based while taking a policy to avoid claim disputers later.

Fidelity Guarantee
Fidelity Guarantee

Jewellers business involves high risk of loss arising out of employee fraud. Special attention should be given while defining ‘employee’ in the policy, which can be advised by an experienced insurance agent.

Business Interruption
Business Interruption

Any halt in business operations due to unexpected events can result in huge losses. Most Jewellers underestimate the importance of having an loss of profit cover to insure the risk of interruption to business.

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